
Education is currently undergoing a transformation towards technology-based education. Counseling guidance services are also integrated, experiencing changes in the field of technology-based services. The transformation of group guidance services aims to be able to help solve counselee problems using technology-based services. So the transformation of group guidance services is needed in order to keep abreast of today's developments. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection obtained from primary data and secondary data. Primary sources are sources that provide data directly from first-hand or original sources. In this study, the main source referred to guidance and counseling journals about changes in technology-based group guidance services. Secondary sources are sources taken from other sources that are not obtained from primary sources. In this study, the secondary sources were other books related to the research variables. The respondents of this study were 30 students who received technology-based guidance services

Keywords: 1. Group Guidance Services, 2. Technology, 3. Transformation, 4. Students


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